We are PainGap.org

We’re a new nonprofit committed to closing the Gender PainGap, telling women’s stories and creating community. Get involved by sharing your story, donating, and connecting with us on social media.

Meet Our Founder

  • 70% of People Living with Chronic Pain are Women

  • Women are more likely to receive sedatives for their pain, while men are more likely to receive pain-relieving medications.

  • Women wait longer in emergency rooms for pain management than men, and their pain is often undertreated.

  • Women are 50% more likely to be misdiagnosed and have their heart attacks classified as something else, leading to delays in appropriate treatment.

    Source: The Guardian

  • Women are twice as likely to be prescribed antidepressants for chronic pain rather than targeted pain medications.

  • Women with chronic fatigue syndrome often face disbelief and stigma, with only about 20% of those affected being diagnosed.

    Source: The Guardian

  • Women are more likely to experience longer wait times for pain management and are less likely to receive adequate pain relief compared to men.

  • 90% of People Diagnosed with Fibromyaliga are Women

  • Women, especially women of color, are more likely to experience racial and gender bias in healthcare, leading to delayed or inadequate pain management.